Congratulations to the following 2024 ACT and NT award winners, who were announced at our Geospatial Excellence Awards...
2024 Geospatial Excellence Award winners WA
Congratulations to the following 2024 Western Australian award winners, who were announced at our Geospatial...
2024 Geospatial Excellence Award winners TAS
Congratulations to the following 2024 QLD award winners, who were announced at our Geospatial Excellence Awards...
2024 Geospatial Excellence Award winners QLD
Congratulations to the following 2024 QLD award winners, who were announced at our Geospatial Excellence Awards Reception in Brisbane on Thursday, 5th September.
2024 Geospatial Excellence Award winners NSW
Congratulations to the following 2024 NSW award winners, who were announced at our Geospatial Excellence Awards Dinner in Sydney on Friday, 30th August.
2024 Geospatial Excellence Award winners SA
Congratulations to the following 2024 South Australian award winners, who were announced at our Geospatial Excellence...
2024 Geospatial Excellence Award winners VIC
Congratulations to the following 2024 Victorian award winners, who were announced at our Excellence Awards Dinner in...
Curtin University Spatial Sciences Awards Ceremony
Last week we had the pleasure of attending the Curtin University Spatial Sciences Awards Ceremony in Perth. Tony...
Nominate a Geospatial Leader for the Australian of the Year Awards!
Nominations for the 65th annual Australian of the Year Awards are now open!
National Geospatial Excellence Award Winners 2023/2024
We are pleased to announce the national winners for GCA’s Geospatial Excellence Awards for the 2023/2024 season. Award winners were announced at the Locate24 conference in Sydney last week.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners ACT
Congratulations to the following 2023 ACT award winners, which were announced at our Awards Reception in Canberra on Thursday 16 November.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners WA
Congratulations to the following 2023 Western Australia award winners, which were announced at our Awards Reception in Perth on Wednesday 15 November.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners SA
Congratulations to the following 2023 South Australia award winners, which were announced at our Awards Reception in Adelaide on Friday 27 October.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners QLD
Congratulations to the following 2023 Queensland award winners, which were announced at our Awards Reception in Brisbane on Friday 20 October.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners VIC
Congratulations to the following 2023 Victorian award winners, which were announced at our Excellence Awards Reception in Melbourne on Thursday 14 September.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners TAS
Congratulations to the following 2023 Tasmanian award winners, which were announced at our Excellence Awards Reception in Hobart on Friday 1 September, as part of our Tasmanian Geospatial Conference.
Geospatial Excellence Award winners NSW
Congratulations to the following State award winners who are now eligible for the prestigious Oceanic competition, to be announced as part of the Locate Conference in May 2024.
Nominations close 12 July for excellence awards
The Geospatial Council of Australia is calling for nominations for its inaugural Geospatial Excellence Awards program.