Utilising Geospatial Technology for Emergency Services
RegisterHow do emergency services leverage geospatial technology to help plan and execute their jobs daily? Join us for an informative evening with presentations by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, Queensland Health and Queensland Police Services.
As we conclude the formal sessions, we invite you to join us for a networking opportunity with industry colleagues and the presenters. Continue the conversations, exchange ideas, and build professional connections.
Meet our Presenters
More information to come
Queensland Health
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
Queensland Police Service
Natasha is the Principal Spatial Systems Administrator supporting Queensland's State Disaster Coordination Centre. She is a highly motivated spatial practitioner with experience in spatial data management and web app development as well as disaster risk reduction and emergency management. Natasha graduated university in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Geographical Sciences and has since applied her skills and passion for geospatial across multiple departments in the Queensland Government.
The power of data sharing in disaster preparedness and response
Data and knowledge sharing is critical to the delivery of emergency services right across the world. This presentation will explore how Queensland's State Disaster Coordination Centre leverages data sharing strategies and platforms to support decision makers across all tiers of Government in building situational awareness in the lead up to and during disaster events.
Proudly organised by the GCA Queensland Young and Emerging Professionals.
Terms & Conditions
1. Refunds for Geospatial Council events are available up to seven (7) days prior. There are no refunds after this date, however registration can be transferred to a colleague. 2. Attendees at Geospatial Council events acknowledge they may be photographed and these images may be used by GCA on social media, our website or similar for marketing purposes. 3. Contact details (name, company and email address only) of event attendees may be provided to event sponsors for marketing purposes. Attendees will have the option to opt out of further communications.
Thu 19 September 2024
5:30pm - 8:00pm (AEST)