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Discussion – 


Hydrographers hosted by Ports Australia

Hydrography news

A hydrography seminar was held on 23 May in conjunction with the Ports Australia Hydrographic Surveyors Working Group. The CPD event was attended by 30 online attendees and 16 in person.

Presenters included Benjamin Hunt, Metocean specialist from Pilbara Ports Authority who discussed the effect of Severe Tropical Cyclone Ilsa on Port of Port Hedland; Cory Brooks of RBR discussing how RBR can support tidal and wave modelling; Andrew Coulls of the Australian Hydrographic Office with an update on the HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP); and Harry Hughes of Nortek Australia discussing the use of ADCPs and real-time applications in Australian Ports.

The seminar concluded with a panel discussion on hydrography education in Australia. Panellists included facilitator Richard Cullen of the Australian Hydrographic Office, Neil Hewitt (GCA Area of Practice- Hydrography panel member and AHSCP Panel member) and Aaron Ingram of the Australian Maritime College at the University of Tasmania.

During the Seminar, Nathan Green was presented with his AHSCP Certificate by Neil Hewitt. Nathan was awarded Level 1 certification at the AHSCP Meeting held on 6 March 2023.

Neil Hewitt presents the AHSCP Certificate to Nathan Green.

Neil Hewitt presents the AHSCP Certificate to Nathan Green.
