The Geospatial Council of Australia

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States & Territories

Your State representation

The Geospatial Council of Australia represents professionals and organisations based all over Australia.

Appointed representative/s will advocate for the interests of Geospatial Council members in their respective state or territory.

The state/territory representative will be responsible for engaging with members and seeking their input on issues that affect the profession. Their responsibility will also extend to contributing to the development of a program of events and ongoing professional development with their state or territory.

Overall, the state and territory representatives play a crucial role in advancing the mission and goals of the Geospatial Council in the jurisdiction they represent.

Mike Stapleton

ACT Chair
Mike Stapleton

Brittany Baker (Dahl)

NSW Chair
Brittany Baker (Dahl)

Hanno Klahn

NSW Vice Chair
Hanno Klahn

Koray Ozdogu

QLD Chair
Koray Ozdogu

Graham Walker

SA Chair
Graham Walker

ennifer Brindle

SA Vice Chair
Jennifer Brindle

Anthony O’Flaherty

TAS Chair
Anthony O’Flaherty

Nicole Kiely

VIC Chair
Nicole Kiely

Laren Collen

WA Chair
Laren Collen