WA Digital Twin Symposium
RegisterRegistrations are now closed.
In March 2024 in Perth, we we will be holding our special symposium to discuss spatial digital twins. This will be a fantastic opportunity to explore this important and relevant topic for all geospatial professionals.
GCA is pleased to announce an exciting program featuring experts, researchers, and practitioners in the field of digital twin technology who will share insights, exchange ideas, and explore the latest advancements in this rapidly evolving domain.
CLICK HERE to download the full program.
- Laren Collen, WA GCA Chair
- Dr Ewan Cameron, Telethon Kids Institute
- Darren Mottolini, Landgate
- Evan Quick, KPMG
- Roslyn Ward, Curtin
- Rob Daw, Vistry
- John Trieu, WSP
- Bryce Hoffman, NeWEST Alliance
- Marie Truelove / Amber Standley, CSIRO Data61
- Dani Bramante / Gavin Gillett, Nova Systems
- David Mansfield, WSP
- Matt Chapman, Main Roads
- Oliver Looker, NGIS
- James Sanderson, Intellispatial
- Neil Hollis, CR Kennedy
- Andrej Mocicka, 1Spatial
- Greg Biegel, AWS
- Dr Rasoul Hejazi, DigitAis
- Jeremy Pollard, Aerometrex
- GCA - 6 points
- LSLB - 4 General Education points

Terms & Conditions
1. Refunds for Geospatial Council events are available up to seven (7) days prior. There are no refunds after this date, however registration can be transferred to a colleague. 2. Attendees at Geospatial Council events acknowledge they may be photographed and these images may be used by GCA on social media, our website or similar for marketing purposes. 3. Contact details (name, company and email address only) of event attendees may be provided to event sponsors for marketing purposes. Attendees will have the option to opt out of further communications.
Thu 14 March 2024
9:00am - 6:00pm (AWST)