Geospatial Council of Australia
Find your place. Join the Geospatial Council to grow your career or business and be recognised for your professional expertise
Policy & advocacy
Industry consultation
Workforce expertise
Coaching & certification
Professional Development
Events & CPD
Awards & recognition
Industry excellence

Who we are
The peak professional body for the geospatial sector
The Geospatial Council of Australia represents the interests of organisations and individuals, including new and emerging professionals, working in the vast range of occupations for surveying, space and spatial in the digital world.
Today’s geospatial professionals are leaders and innovators, advancing our industries with technologies using located based services, drones and autonomous vehicles, 3D modelling, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality and the Internet of Things.
Build your profile and professional expertise through our areas of practice, special interest groups and more.
Find your place. There’s a world of possibilities in the future of geospatial when you join the Geospatial Council.
Member news
Wishing ASA’s, Geoffrey Smith, good luck for Australian of the Year
We are delighted to share that one of our own, Geoffrey Smith, has been recognised as a finalist for the prestigious...
State Library Victoria: Maps that made Melbourne financial appeal!
The State Library Victoria's collection of Melbourne survey maps is a missing piece in the story of Melbourne’s...
Win one of four ‘Brock Gift for the Future’ grants to attend the FIG Young Surveyors Conference!
Are you a student passionate about the future of geospatial? Here’s your chance to win one of four grants, covering...
NSW International Women's Day Breakfast
QLD International Women's Day Breakfast
supporting partners and organisational members
The Geospatial Council of Australia recognises the unceded sovereign lands and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples as the First Peoples of these lands and waters. First Nations culture and traditions are a rich source of knowledge and discovery. The Geospatial Council recognises a professional commitment to engage and act meaningfully through reciprocal partnership and relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.