Cadastral Workshop - SA
RegisterRegistrations are now closed.
This workshop offers a unique opportunity for professionals in the field of land surveying to gather and expand their knowledge in the complexities of cadastral surveying.
Participants will hear expert-led discussions into topics ranging from advanced surveying techniques to legal frameworks governing land boundaries. Attendees will gain invaluable insights to enhance their expertise and address the challenges of modern cadastral surveying practices.
Join us in Adelaide on Saturday 16 March as we discuss the technology, legislation, and tradition in shaping the future of land surveying in South Australia and beyond.
CLICK HERE to download the event program.
Event Information
- DATE: Saturday, 16 March
- TIME:8.00am - 11.30am
- VENUE: Adelaide Pavilion, Corner of South Terrace and Peacock Road
- GCA Members - $90 inc GST
- Non-Members - $135 inc GST
- Registered Survey Graduates and students - $45 inc GST
Registrations close Thursday 7 March.
- 2 GCA points
- 2 Cadastral points
Terms & Conditions
1. Refunds for Geospatial Council events are available up to seven (7) days prior. There are no refunds after this date, however registration can be transferred to a colleague. 2. Attendees at Geospatial Council events acknowledge they may be photographed and these images may be used by GCA on social media, our website or similar for marketing purposes. 3. Contact details (name, company and email address only) of event attendees may be provided to event sponsors for marketing purposes. Attendees will have the option to opt out of further communications.
Sat 16 March 2024
8:00am - 11:30am (ACDT)