The Geospatial Council of Australia

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SSSI & ISV 2022 Summer Seminar

Normally held in person in Melbourne, in 2022 our popular joint annual cadastral surveying event with ISV took place online via Zoom due to COVID lockdowns.

Click here to see the program.

By registering below, you receive access to the watch the online event recording at your leisure.

The event has been broken into two sessions for ease of access, so you will receive two Zoom links in your registration confirmation email.

- 4 CPD points

- 1.5 Cadastral Survey Practice points
- 0.25 Development Planning points
- 1.75 Other points
Total FPET points 3.5


  • to claim FPET points, you will need to complete a questionnaire as proof of viewing. This questionnaire can be downloaded here.
  • only the person who registers for this webinar is entitled to view it.
  • The individual registrant is also the only person entitled to claim the associated CPD points.

Terms & Conditions

1. Refunds for Geospatial Council events are available up to seven (7) days prior. There are no refunds after this date, however registration can be transferred to a colleague. 2. Attendees at Geospatial Council events acknowledge they may be photographed and these images may be used by GCA on social media, our website or similar for marketing purposes. 3. Contact details (name, company and email address only) of event attendees may be provided to event sponsors for marketing purposes. Attendees will have the option to opt out of further communications.

Live Date

Thu 20 January 2022

Expiry Date

Sat 20 January 2024