Are you a student passionate about the future of geospatial? Here’s your chance to win one of four grants, covering...
Geospatial Council of Australia launches National Engineering Surveying Certification v2.0
The Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA) is pleased to announce the launch of the National Engineering Surveying...
Survey: The Value of Geospatial Information to Australia
On behalf of the Geospatial Council of Australia, ACIL Allen is conducting a survey on the current and future value of geospatial information to Australian businesses, government departments and/or communities.
ANZSCO Review: Preliminary proposed changes
In August, the Geospatial Council of Australia made a submission to the Australian Government’s review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)
Geospatial Council of Australia Enhances ESP-AP Certification Assessment for Industry Excellence
The Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA) is proud to announce significant improvements to its Engineering Surveying Professional – Australasia Pacific (ESP-AP) certification assessment
Surveying and Spatial Information Services Survey
We have recently joined forces with TAFE NSW to enhance training programs in the Geospatial sector, tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals looking to advance their careers, and organisations’ aiming to strengthen their workforce, thereby boosting productivity.
Job Opportunity: Staff member (surveying) required at Curtin University
Curtin University requires an additional technical staff member (surveying), for their Spatial Sciences survey store.
ANZSCO review would benefit Geospatial professionals
The Geospatial Council of Australia (GCA) has made a submission into the Australian Government’s review of ANZSCO Classifications, calling for greater recognition of the geospatial professions.
Progression to Surveyor Policy
The Board has recently approved the introduction of a new Progression to Surveyor Policy. The policy has been uploaded onto the Board website – a link is also provided below.
EOI: Surveying instructors for Curtin University fieldwork delivery
WA’s surveying companies are invited to provide interested surveyors to support some Curtin fieldwork sessions as instructors for Semester2 (24 July – 21 October 2023).
Surveyor-General’s Direction No. 11 – Preservation of Survey Infrastructure
DCS Spatial Services has released the updated Surveyor-General’s Direction No.11 – Preservation of Survey Infrastructure (SGD11).